Pattonville firemedics are trained and continue to train to handle a large variety of emergency situations. With more unique illnesses, new medical advancements, procedures, and equipment being discovered every day, we found a need to identify those in our area that have medical conditions that require us to be aware of them and prepared to handle any emergency that we may encounter. Pattonville has adopted a new program from Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital called S.T.A.R.S (Special needs, Tracking & Awareness Response System). This program is designed for us, as firemedics, to identify children in our area with a unique diagnosis or special needs so if that child were to have an emergency, we would be ready and well trained to handle it with the most up to date equipment and skills available. Once a child has been identified as a S.T.A.R.S. patient, we would meet with the child and parents to obtain all needed information, get baseline vital signs and create a database for him/her in our system. We then take that information and train with emergency pediatricians and specialized firemedics for any emergency situation that may occur. Then, if called to this patient for an emergency, we would have all the current information, skills, and knowledge needed to treat the patient prior to arrival. Children who especially benefit are those with: Significant developmental delay, Seizure disorders, Cardiac history, Tracheostomies, Autism spectrum disorder, Children with a DNR order, Any atypical disease or syndrome.

If you feel you have a child that qualifies as a S.T.A.R.S patient, please click the below or call (314) 281-5021